Why are some features restricted in Prism? How do I gain access to them?

Restricted features are specific analyses, graphs, or other functionality in Prism that are only available to specific subscription/license types. The first of this type of feature were introduced with Prism 10.3.0, and consist of the following:

  • Hierarchical clustering: uncover the natural connections between observations in your data. This machine learning technique allows you to investigate how closely different observations are related to each other and uncover groupings within your data.
  • K-means clustering: specify a target number of clusters, and this machine learning algorithm will partition your data, iteratively grouping the most similar observations together and adjusting cluster assignments.
  • Dendrograms: visualize the hierarchical relationships from clustering analyses. Use dendrograms as an independent graph or as part of a heatmap from the output of hierarchical clustering.
  • Heat maps from multiple variables data: define categorical X-axis and Y-axis variables along with a continuous metric variable to be displayed in the two-dimensional visualization. Alternatively, treat your multiple variables data table as a matrix, and plot the values of the table on the heat map using the rows and columns as the axis variables.
  • Confidence ellipses and convex hulls: visually represent estimates for the parameters that define the population from which your data were drawn, or clearly indicate the boundaries for groups of data on your graphs.

Each of these features are available with Prism Enterprise, the most advanced and capable Prism subscription available. Learn more about Prism Enterprise now!

Keywords: Restricted Features Enterprise

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