When I try to install or run InStat or Prism Mac, I see the message: The application could not be opened because "CarbonLib" could not be found.

CarbonLib lets programs like the Mac versions of Prism, InStat or StatMate, written for OS X, also work under OS 8.6-9.2. InStat and Prism can not be installed and can not run under OS 8-9 until CarbonLib is installed on your system. Many new Mac programs require this library file.

CarbonLib has been included with Macs (and OS upgrades) for a while, so you probably already have it. Also note that the CarbonLib file is not needed with OS X. If your computer doesn't already have CarbonLib installed, it can be hard to find and install. Follow these steps:

  1. Download CarbonLib from
    As a result, you should get "CarbonLib 1.6.smi" on your desktop or
    wherever you downloaded the file. If that link doesn't work, go to then to Support, then to Downloads, and search for "CarbonLib".
  2. Double-click "CarbonLib 1.6.smi", agree to Terms and Conditions.
    As a result, you should get mounted image on your desktop - "CarbonLib"
  3. Double-click "CarbonLib" to open it. And double-click "Apple SW Install".
  4. Make sure to restart after CarbonLib has been installed.
  5. Run Prism or InStat.

If you can't find CarbonLib on the Apple site (some times they make you register), download CarbonLib from elsewhere on the web. Try and search for "CarbonLib" in downloads. Or just search for CarbonLib on google or another search engine.

Prism requires CarbonLib 1.6 or later. InStat requires 1.5 or later.

One user in Japan couldn't get Prism 4 to install, even though he had the Japanese version of CarbonLib 1.6 installed. He was able to install Prism when he rebooted with a standard set of extensions. One of the other extensions must have conflicted with the Prism 4 installer (we dont know which one).

Keywords: Macintosh mac install error aqua carbon lib Carbon Lib

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