What's new in StatMate 2.0b?
StatMate Mac 2.0b fixes two problems:
- A network license for StatMate Mac 2.0a could not be used under Snow Leopard (Mac OSX 10.6). When you tried to launch StatNate from a shared drive (server) using a network license, it worked the first time but after that presented the incorrect message that "All licenses are in use". 2.0b works fine under Snow Leopard.
- If your computer is set to use a comma as a decimal separator, you can use a comma to enter a decimal point when entering a value into a dialog box.
That's it. There are no other fixes. This update is for Mac users only. There is no Windows update to StatMate.
StatMate 2.0b can only be installed on OSX. If you want to use StatMate on OS9, write to us for the full installer or download the demo here.