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Prism 8.0.2 Release Notes
Prism 8.0.2 was released on February 05, 2019.
Feature Improvements
- Improved speed of profile CI calculation for poorly defined models
- Added the ability to change color or type of point for individual data points in Grouped graphs
- Improved automatic file recovery in the event of minor corruption of data structures within a Prism file.
- Modified the appearance of Prism file icon slightly to be more distinguishable from folder icons in MacOS Finder.
- Modified the appearance and spacing of icons in toolbar for clearer and consistent appearance on both Mac and Windows.
- Added "Next Tab" and "Previous Tab" choices (with keyboard shortcuts) to the 'Go to Results Tab' submenu of the 'View' menu.
- Changed the title of the dropdown to "Placement" that controls the arrangement of symbols on box-whisker graphs in the "Format Graph" dialog
- Improved how Prism matches the size of newly added graphs to a layout to the existing graphs. Increased matching tolerance to 20% and made it relative when the scaling factor is different for graphs.
- Improved the look of the "Exclude" button for data on the toolbar
- Windows: Implemented the Alt-M shortcut for the Family main menu
Performance Improvements
- Sped up calculations for difficult to calculate confidence intervals. With some data and models, calculation of these values from nonlinear regression was not possible in Prism 7. Prism 8 is often able to perform these calculations, but did so slowly. Prism 8.0.2 decreases this calculation time by about sixfold.
- Windows: Improved performance of pasting data into row title column.
Analysis Bug Fixes
- Included time constants (tau) as well as rate constants when fitting two-phase exponential association equation.
- Added floating note "Math error (during calculation of Geisser-Greenhouse's correction). It was not possible to calculate Geisser-Greenhouse's correction." when "singular matrix" occurs in ANOVA.
- Fixed the problem of "Standard Deviation" columns being absent in 'Transform' results.
- Fixed crash on attempt to analyze data that have no variation among replicates using the Nested t test analysis with the option to graph the difference between means with CI enabled.
- Fixed crash on attempt to analyze more than 250 rows of data using Two-way ANOVA analysis with 'Compare cell mean regardless of rows and columns' multiple comparisons.
- Made it possible to perform the 'Monte Carlo' analysis from the Nested t test results sheet.
- Fixed incorrect handling of weighting by SD^2 when models comparison is selected.
- Fixed incorrect handling of weighting by SD^2 when outlier elimination is selected.
- Fixed non-informative results of two-way ANOVA analysis when residuals DF = 0.
- Fixed crash in non-linear regression when sharing parameters in the case of 256 data sets.
- Improved calculation accuracy for small p values for standard distributions
- Fixed the issue with missing values for the "P (two-tailed)" and "P value summary" rows in results for "Compare observed distribution with expected" when the observed and expected values are the same
- Mac: Fixed the issue when Prism did not report "K Fast" constraint in the "Two-phase association" equation.
- Mac: Fixed crash on performing Monte-Carlo analysis from results of the 'Simulate column data' analysis.
- Mac: Fixed crash after changing "repeated measures one-way ANOVA" analysis parameters on Kruskal-Wallis test if undo operation and a specific combination of dialog options was invoked
- Mac: Fixed crash after deleting any data set and switching to Ordinary one-way ANOVA results sheet if Undo operation was previously performed for Friedman test with residuals graphs
Graphing Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue when points in a scatter plot nearly overlapped so you did not really see all the data.
- Fixed the issue when bars did not appear on the stacked bars graph if a plotted data range contained missing values.
- Fixed the issue when a width of a text box on a graph unexpectedly increased after reopening Prism project.
- Fixed the issue when a range and interval of the grouped graph with bars is not chosen correctly when you choose to plot 'Mean' or 'Median'.
- Fixed the issue when a text box width on a graph sheet was unexpectedly reset after saving and reopening Prism project.
- Fixed the issue when error bars were not plotted underneath the symbols on a scatter plot with bars.
- Fixed the issue when long column titles shifted legends on a graph to the left, causing it to overlap graph's plotting area.
- Fixed the issue when a heat map graph border disappeared after using the Magic tool.
- Fixed the issue when a baseline unexpectedly changes on the Grouped Interleaved bars graphs from min to max if the custom maximum value which is lower than the default 1 was entered for left Y axis with the logarithmic scale.
- Fixed the issue when grouped separator did not appear on the Nested graph for newly added data.
- Fixed appearance of the Parts of Whole graphs showing unfilled sector and wrong total value when some values in a data table are negative.
- Fixed an issue when the Y axis minimum range was changed to a negative value in a Grouped graph, if the source data table only contained positive values and at least one zero value
- Fixed an issue when the negative values were plotted in the Grouped bar plot even though negative values were not present in the data table
- Windows: Fixed alignment of graph and axes titles which unexpectedly became left-aligned if you added special symbols from the Symbol font.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when the border of the bar on 'Scatter dot plot' graph appeared to go outward if the bar is pointed downwards.
- Windows: Fixed the problem when survival graphs were incorrectly built as column scatter after Survival Curve analysis has been performed on the Survival data table.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when a legend key border became invisible when the segment color on the pie chart has been set to white.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when duplicating a graph changed the assignment of colors to data sets.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when grouped graphs which were placed on a layout sheet appeared corrupted after trying to resize them by dragging resizing knobs.
- Windows: Fixed positioning of legends after rotating a graph while in the Gallery View mode.
- Mac: Fixed the issue where labels were missing in Heat map graph when the "Automatically" option was set for formatting graph labels using row titles
- Mac: Fixed the issue when colors of curves and symbols on a graph change when open Prism 7 file in Prism 8.
- Mac: Fixed the issue where the graph placed on a layout sheet would get resized and unaligned when you set custom range for a Y axis and add an additional line which is way above this range.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when each graph which was created from 'Create New Graph' dialog with checked 'Create a new graph for each data set' checkbox included all the curves instead of one corresponding curve after recalculation analysis.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when it was impossible to use Greek characters as a shape for data points.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when the row and column labels were misplaced on a heat map graph when you changed the position of both in the Format Graph dialog.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when the line-with-asterisk drawing object appeared corrupted after changing the position of it from the 'Format Object' dialog.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when it was not possible to choose 'Box and Whiskers', 'Floating bars' and 'Violin plot' appearances in the ‘Format Graph’ dialog for the nested graph which contained data sets from another kind of data table.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when an asterisk in the bracket-with-asterisk drawing object was unexpectedly misplaced after changing font size and performing the 'Undo' operation.
- Mac: Fixed an issue when formatting particular points in a scatter plot by using the contextual menu in a data table, whereby entire data set was formatted instead of individual point
- Mac: Fixed an issue where the icons in the formatting toolbar appeared dim after exporting a data table in macOS 10.14
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where graphs and layouts could become corrupted when the Prism file was saved while Gallery view mode was selected
- Fixed the crash when opening a Prism file that contains a linked project file.
- Fixed instructions for Prism users in the floating note which appear when you open Prism files created or saved in older Prism version which had stats no longer available in current Prism version (example, Column stats analysis).
- Fixed the issue when pressing down arrow key did not work in the 'Color mapping' tab of 'Format Graph' dialog for categorical heat map graphs.
- Windows: Corrected Prism to only show relevant alert when root certificates on user's system need to be updated.
- Windows: Fixed the crash on invoking the Format Axes dialog when Prism file was saved with several graphs selected in the search results.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when the size of the text object unexpectedly changed when you click Up and Down keyboard arrows after changing the font size from the toolbar. Now the text is moved instead in this case.
- Windows: Fixed a bad quality of exported EPS and PDF files when a graph contained imported WMF.
- Windows. Fixed the issue when unexpected errors appear on printing from the Family pane of the Navigator.
- Windows: Fixed exporting graphs and layouts when they contain WMF image with bitmaps with transparency (alpha channel).
- Windows: Fixed the issue when Prism 7 was not uninstalled after including 'UNINSTALLPRISM7=1' parameter in the command line when installing Prism 8.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when it was not possible to enter fractional values in a format such as ".1", ".54" for colormap values and ranges for categorical heat maps graphs.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when the 'Family' panel was absent in the Navigator when you open Prism file by double-clicking on an embedded Prism graph in MS Word or PowerPoint.
- Windows: Fixed files linkage so that Prism now correctly links data from an Excel file when data is located in a range after column "ZZ".
- Windows: Fixed scrolling on a data table so that it does not keeps going long after you stop scrolling with a trackpad.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when an EPS file exported from Prism could not be opened in 3rd party apps if transparency was used on an exported graph.
- Windows: Improved the quality of graph previews in the Graph Portfolio section of the Welcome dialog.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when custom titles of subcolumns were lost after inserting new data columns.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when custom titles of subcolumn were not deleted after deleting a data sets
- Windows: Fixed crash on duplicating a graph after undoing duplicating of the Survival graph.
- Windows: Fixed positioning of resizing knobs of long numbering/labeling of X axis on the 'Difference between means' graph created from the 'Nested t test' analysis.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when preview picture of data tables and graphs were cut in the Welcome dialog.
- Windows: Improved the look of the Close buttons in the Search field and sub-sheets.
- Windows: Fixed crash on double-clicking on the 'Undo' button if previously 'Color' color scheme was applied for 'Multiple comparison CI plot’ graph and data sets and legend were reversed.
- Windows: Made it possible to send more than 15 Prism layouts to MS Word.
- Windows: Fixed crash on creating 500 result sheets on Windows x64.
- Windows: Fixed the issue when settings were lost in the 'Diagnostics' tab after switching between tabs in the "Parameters: Multiple Linear Regression' dialog.
- Windows: Fixed crash on sending a Prism file without a graph to LabArchive.
- Windows: Fixed the cropping of linked objects copied from another Prism project onto a layout.
- Windows: Fixed the issue in the Welcome dialog whereby the sample data table images would become distorted after moving the dialog out of the viewport
- Mac: Improved the Save Template dialog - added a sign to alert users when they need to choose a name for the template.
- Mac: Fixed the crash when a data or results table with huge ranges of cells selected is copied to the clipboard or dragged in the navigator.
- Mac: Fixed crash on invoking the Format Graph dialog for 'Parts of whole' graph in Prism projects created in older versions of Prism.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when unrelated results sheets appear in the family navigator while a graph is selected in the main navigator.
- Mac: Fixed sheets linkage in the Navigator so that while on a data table the family pane properly updates with results sheet from which you copy a range of numeric cells and past it with a link to a current data table.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when thumbnail with non-visited graph appeared empty in the Gallery mode which was invoked from the Family Pane.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when thumbnail with non-visited graph appeared empty in the gallery view mode if you previously searched for sheets.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when thumbnails of data tables and results did not show X column in the gallery view mode.
- Mac: Fixed Prism 8 so that it correctly opens Prism files created in older versions containing correlation results with a confidence interval and significant digits.
- Mac: Made the appearance of icons in the ‘Analysis’ section of the main toolbar match Windows version of Prism.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when the Navigator was unexpectedly resized after changing the overall width of the Prism window which was stacked vertically.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when the navigator appearance did not return to the last selected sheet in the Search mode after canceling search.
- Mac: Fixed the issue when empty data rows pasted from a MS Excel worksheet would be treated as text and overwrite column titles in Prism
Analyze, graph and present your scientific work easily with GraphPad Prism. No coding required.