Minor fixes and changes in Prism 4.03 (Windows)/4.0c (Mac)

Prism 4.03 (Windows) and 4.0c (Mac) fixed a few dozen minor problems, and adds a few minor features.

For the most significant changes see QA#1115

Here is a comprehensive list of the minor changes and bug fixes in Prism 4.03 (Windows)/4.0c(Mac):

  1. Enabled the keystrokes ctrl-shift-V to be used for the “Paste Special” command.
  2. Made it possible to use radio buttons in the “Create the template from” frame in the “Save Template” dialog, even when there is only one data table in a project.
  3. Made it possible to change the name of a sheet after duplicate-family-with-prefix and have it propagate sensibly. The problem was that results sheets didn't put the prefix in front of the sheet name.
  4. Made the script command “Regenerate” recreate an associated simulation when applied to an analysis that is based on that simulation.
  5. Implemented the alert: “The PDF files for the manuals/books have not yet been installed on your computer. If you are connected to the Internet, you can download those by selecting manual/book from Prism’s Help menu.”
  6. Fixed a problem with copying data from results sheet with missing columns.
  7. Fixed a problem where the X and the Y axes did not retain their thickness when graphs are exported to Corel applications.
  8. Fixed a problem where the medial lines on box-and-whiskers graphs appeared to be crossing the right borders of “boxes.”
  9. Fixed a problem where the width of columns in embedded tables with transposed data appeared to be calculated incorrectly.
  10. Fixed a problem with the “About” box on the two-monitor configuration.
  11. Made all menu tabs conform to Windows XP appearance standards.
  12. Made Prism use one routine to “Paste,” “Paste Special,” and “Import.” Before, “Paste” used a separate routine.
  13. Fixed a problem where the bottom whisker of a box-and-whiskers graph was not completely hidden under the box when it should not have appeared due to specific data.
  14. Choices for location of Y-axis labels have been changed to “None,” “Left, vertical,” “Left, horizontal,” “Right, vertical,” and “Right, horizontal.”
  15. Fixed a problem that caused before-after graphs to be formatted incorrectly when there were unpaired data points (“before” exists, but “after” doesn't), or when “log” scale of axis is used.
  16. Fixed a problem that caused the vertical part of error bar to not be plotted if you have a discontinuous X axis and have a data point at the rightmost X value for the left segment.
  17. Fixed a problem that causes symbols to be plotted in a “Column mean” graph even for data sets that don't contain any values.
  18. Fixed a problem that caused the “Paste” submenu to be grayed-out in the “Edit” menu after closing a Prism project and creating a new one.
  19. Fixed a problem that sometimes caused a summary table of nonlinear fit results to omit parameters.
  20. Fixed a bug that caused Prism to crash when importing non-numerical values with custom settings selected in the “Start-at” values in the “Filter” tab.
  21. Made Prism paste selected objects (selected text, objects, tables, etc) when using the control-V or paste button, at exactly the same position they were copied from.
  22. Implemented the alert: “If you plan to paste into another program, no problem. But you won't be able to paste within Prism. The problem is that Prism is not able to create the file Prism.clp, probably because the folder (or file) shown below is write-protected. To fix this problem, quit Prism, delete that file, and the unprotect the folder: C:\this\that\prism.clp.”
  23. Implemented the alert: “Your Prism preferences file (Prism4.cfg) is damaged and will be deleted, so all settings will revert to default.”
  24. Added the alert in the “Commentary” sheet of one-way Anova results: “Post test could not be performed because the number of groups is greater than 100, or the DF of residuals is greater then 3000 (N in this case).”
  25. Fixed a problem where an error bar is hidden under the top bar on a stacked bar graph.
  26. Fixed a problem to allow users to change number of digits after the decimal point for X values in the results sheet of a “Frequency Distribution” analysis.
  27. Fixed a problem that when merging files. Prism added to sheet names of the merged files a prefix, used when duplicating sheets. Fix makes “*”be used as prefix for merging.
  28. Fixed bug that caused Prism to crash on attempt to paste a graph or layout that contains data with broken links into a Word document.
  29. Fixed a problem that occurred when excluding a Y-value in front of the maximal X-value led to linear regression change for a neighbor data set, where the data were NOT changed.
  30. Replaced all occurrences of ".. Pad .." with ".. Sheet .." in Prism scripting.
  31. Fixed a problem that occurred when after changing the “Wide” shape of a graph to “Tall” or “Square,” bars disappeared from the graph.
  32. Fixed a problem that occurred when layering of objects appeared changed after refreshing the graph sheet.
  33. Fixed a problem where a data set that was cleared with the “Clear” function, did not allow user to set row labels as X-axis labels of a “Category” graph.
  34. Fixed a problem that occurred when, after duplicating a graph, the Y-axis title object changed its width to default size.
  35. Fixed a problem that when resaving a project with “Resave” over an already-saved project, Prism used the location from Preferences. Prism now defaults to currently-opened file location.
  36. Fixed a problem where when a text label was stretched vertically, it could not be turned to a single line of text.
  37. Fixed a problem changing legend symbols changed the border thickness, but not the symbols on a graph.
  38. Changed so that "Shift+Space" key combination to highlight an entire in a data table will not work when the cursor is inside of a title row, or when a cell in the table is being edited.
  39. Fixed unstacking data process that occurred when pasting/importing data, if that data contain missing values.
  40. Fixed a bug that caused Prism to freeze on an attempt to change the interval and “Starting at” values in the Format Axes dialog of a graph.
  41. Fixed a problem that caused column headers not to be displayed in a data table when importing data using Prism scripts.
  42. Fixed a problem that occurred when, after increasing the font size for left axes labels, part of the label appeared to change, but the rest did not.
  43. Fixed a problem where the Y-axis label’s width was limited by the current text entered there, and not by the height of the axes.
  44. Fixed a problem where an image size set in the “Export” dialog did not match the actual size of an image.
  45. Fixed a problem where a graph sheet appeared linked (highlighted in Navigator), when a layout page that didn’t contain that graph was selected.
  46. Fixed column sizes in the simulate-data-results with Y replicates process.
  47. Fixed results of "D'Agostino" normality test for data sets with less than 8 values per column. 
  48. Fixed the problem when it was not possible to set "0.001" value as "Minimum" of left segment of X axis. 
  49. Fixed crash on attempt to copy a graph with "empty" data sets plotted. 
  50. Fixed the problem with copying of values with decimal point from one data set to another, when 5.4 appeared transformed to 54.
  51. Fixed results in the "Goodness of fit" block in Nonlinear regression results when "Normality of residuals" is turned on
  52. Fixed the problem when confidence bands disappeared from results after recalculating analysis. .

Keywords: 4.03

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