How to fit a dose response curve with Prism.

From the Prism Welcome menu, go to the XY section and roll down the menu for sample data sets. Choose the sample data set for Dose-response - X is log (dose). (Note that there are other sample data sets too, and that each comes with explanations.)

Once you've chosen the sample data sets, Prism will superimpose some instructions. But you may find it simpler to follow these screen shots.

This will bring up a sample data set that shows how to enter  your data. The yellow note gives step-by-step instructions. Click the Analyze button to start  your analysis.

From the Analysis screen, choose the XY section. Choose Nonlinear regression and click OK at the bottom of the dialog.

Next go the dose response section and choose the model you want. Again, click OK.

Prism will perform your analysis. In the results section there will be a sheet with your analysis results.

In the Graphs section, Prism will create a graph showing your data and curve fit.

 Click here to find out more about using Prism's sample data sets.

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