Bug: Prism plots too many ticks on a survival graph

A common way to plot a survival curve is to use a staircase line, with ticks marking the times of censored observations. When Prism 6.00 - 6.02, and 6.0a - 6.0c create this kind of graph, it places ticks not only at the times of censoring but also at the times of death. This bug was fixed in 6.03 and 6.0d. 

Here is any easy workaround:

  1. Double click on the survival graph to bring up the Format Graph dialog. 
  2. Go to the third "Graph Settings" tab.
  3. Choose the fourth kind of graph: Staircase, points, no error bar. The problem with the first choice is that it will plot symbols at all points, and not give you a choice of plotting at censored points only. 
  4. While on that tab make sure it is set to plot symbols at censored points only

  1. Go to the first Appearance tab of that dialog.
  2. Choose the upward pointing tick as the shape.

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