Bug: Additional survival graphs created with Prism 8 Windows shows as column scatter plots, not survival plots

This bug occurs with Prism 8.0.0 and 8.0.1 for Windows and will be fixed in 8.0.2

The problem:

When you first enter survival data, Prism automatically runs a survival analysis and then correctly makes a survival graph from the percent (or fraction) survival table it creates.

The bug happens when you click Analyze and choose to run another survival curve analysis from the same data. That graph will still look fine. The bug appears when you try to create another survival graph using the "New > Create New Graph" dialog. Now you'll get a column scatter plot of your entered data instead of survival graph of the percent or fraction survival. Since all the entered Y values are either 0 or 1, that is all you see plotted on the graph. Not very useful!


Don't run a second survival analysis. There really is no reason to. You can use New..Graph of existing data from the analysis table showing percent or fraction survival. Or you can duplicate a survival graph and modify one of the copies.

The bug will be fixed in 8.0.2.

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