This equation is used when X values are concentrations or doses. Use a related equation when X values are logarithms of concentrations or doses.
A common deviation from the standard monotonic sigmoid shape is the biphasic sigmoid shape.
Create an XY data table. Enter the concentration of the agonist into X. Enter response into Y in any convenient units.
From the data table, click Analyze, choose nonlinear regression, and choose the panel of equations: Dose-Response -- Special, X is concentration. Then choose Biphasic dose-response, X is concentration.
Consider constraining nH1 and nH2 to constant values of 1.0 (stimulation) or -1 (inhibition).
Also consider whether Bottom or Top should be fixed to constant values, or shared between data sets.
Section2=Span* (1-Frac)/(1+(EC50_2/X)^nH2)
Y=Bottom + Section1 +Section2
Bottom and Top are the plateaus at the left and right ends of the curve, in the same units as Y.
EC50_1 and EC50_2 are the concentrations that give half-maximal stimulatory and inhibitory effects in the same units as X.
nH1 and nH2 are the unitless slope factors or Hill slopes. Consider constraining these to equal 1.0 (stimulation) and -1 (inhibition).
Frac is the proportion of maximal response due to the more potent phase.