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Installing Prism

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Installing for one person

Installing Prism is standard and easy.

On Windows, simply run our .MSI installation program by double-clicking on the file.

On a Mac, open the DMG file by double-clicking on it. Then drag the Prism application file to your Applications folder.


Installing for many people

To facilitate deploying Prism to many computers, you can use MSI installer to deploy using Group Policy or other software management tools that support MSI files.

Deployment using Group Policy basically includes creating a distribution point, creating a group policy object and assigning or publishing the software package for Prism installation.

Assigning software enforces automatic installation after the user logs on to the computer, while publishing software provides users with the option to install it as needed, the published program is displayed in the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, and it can be installed from there.

You may find more detailed instructions on using Group Policies on this page: Use Group Policy to remotely install software - Windows Server

We also offer some shortcuts to help IT people installing Prism for many. Read the details in this document:

Installing GraphPad Prism for Many - A guide for IT staff


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