In order to sign in (or sign up) to Prism Cloud, you must be using Prism 9.5 or newer. If you're using an older version of Prism, visit our updates page to download the latest version. Once you have the latest version installed, launch the Prism application. You should now see the Welcome dialog.
From here, either create a new Prism file or open an existing file. Just be sure that your file contains at last one graph or layout. The Graph Portfolio (in the Learn section of the Welcome Dialog) has a large selection of Prism files with graphs that you can open to get started.
Once you have your file open, click the Prism Cloud icon in the toolbar:
After clicking this button, a popover dialog will appear (Windows on the left, Mac on the right):
Click the "Sign In" button, and a new window will open allowing you to login or create a new account. If you already have a account, simply use the same email and password to log in here. Otherwise, create a new account.
Upon successful login or registration, you'll be shown the following screen:
In some situations, you may see some additional messages or errors on this screen. Each of these messages and their cause are described on the Login Error Messages page, and - depending on the message displayed - may affect your ability to publish your Prism projects to Prism Cloud. Most importantly, during the Early Access period of Prism Cloud, you will likely see the following message displayed:
Prism Cloud is currently in Early Access. Publishing to Prism Cloud is currently only available for individuals selected to participate in the early access program. Sign up for early access to a Prism Cloud Workspace, allowing you to publish and share your Prism projects.
In order to publish to Prism Cloud, your Prism subscription must have an associated Prism Cloud Workspace. During the Early Access period of Prism Cloud, you can only get a Prism Cloud Workspace by signing up for one on our Early Access page. If selected, a workspace will be created for all members of your Prism subscription, allowing everyone using this subscription to publish, share, and collaborate on their Prism projects in Prism Cloud.
Alternate methods to signing in
Using the Prism Cloud button in the toolbar is probably the easiest way to get logged in (or signed up) to Prism Cloud. However, there are a couple of other ways to access the log in form:
1.Open the File menu, then choose Prism Cloud > Sign in...
2.Open Prism preferences (on Windows, Edit > Preferences... or on Mac, Prism > Preferences...). Switch to the Account tab. Click the "Sign in" button in the Prism Cloud section of this tab.