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This guide is for an old version of Prism. Browse the latest version or update Prism

New graphing options

Add major grid lines on the categorical axis of Column and Grouped graphs.


Some box-and-whisker graphs plot individual points for large and small values. Prism 6 always plotted these points using solid circles. Prism 7 lets you choose any type of symbol.

Prism lets you plot replicates on an XY graph as box-and-whiskers. Prism 6 always plotted these with the whiskers extending down to the minimum and up to the maximum value. Prism 7 now offers five choices for defining the whiskers (same choices that Prism 6 offered for Column box-and-whisker graphs).

When plotting individual replicates on a XY plot, in addition to connecting the means, you can now draw lines that connect the median or geometric means.

On grouped graphs, specify how large a gap you would like to see when a data table row is blank, and specify gaps before the first data set and after the last.

On column graphs, specify how large a gap you would like to see before the first data set and after the last.

When you make one graph per data set, Prism uses the column title of each data set as the graph title. Now this is a live link, so if you change the column title, the corresponding graph title will update.

For bar graphs, the choice to use (or not use) a fill pattern is now more obvious in the Format Graph dialog. With prior versions you had to choose a solid fill pattern to get no fill pattern. Now just uncheck the option if you don't want a fill pattern.



Prism 7 Windows uses a superior library for exporting and importing bitmap (tiff, jpeg, png) images creates better image files compatible with more applications.

When exporting color graphs in tiff or jpg format, Prism Windows now lets you choose grayscale, where colors are converted to various shades of gray (Prism Mac already offered this choice).


Use a comma as decimal separator in axis numbering.

Discontinuities in the X or Y axis can now be shown with either perpendicular or angled gaps.


More versatility when drawing lines, boxes, etc.

Rotate any line, rectangle, text object or imported image.

When moving lines, arrows or objects, Prism shows more information in the tool tip (length, angle, position...).

Set a default for the line width of lines and arrows you draw.



Choose square (new) or rectangular legends for bar graphs.

New command on the Change menu reverses the order of a set of legends.



You can now use flush justification.

Add information to graphs

New file constants let you add file name, and dates to graphs or layouts.



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