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This guide is for an old version of Prism. Browse the latest version or update Prism

Most of Prism's analyses report P values, and now all these analyses let you choose how to report P values.

Prism gives you four choices:

The APA (American Psychological Association) style, which shows three digits but omits the leading zero (.123). P values less than 0.001 shown as "< .001". All P values less than 0.001 are summarized with three asterisks, with no possibility of four asterisks.

The NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) style, which shows three digits and includes the leading zero (0.123). P values less than 0.001 shown as "< .001". All P values less than 0.001 are summarized with three asterisks, with no possibility of four asterisks.

The now classic GraphPad method which reports four digits after the decimal point with a leading zero (0.1234). P values less than 0.0001 shown as "< .0001". P values less than 0.001 are summarized with three asterisks, and P values less than 0.0001 are summarized with four asterisks.

Choose how many digits you want to see after the decimal point, up to 15. P values less than 0.001 are given three asterisks, and P values less than 0.0001 are given four asterisks.


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