Survival tables offer no choices for data entry
When you create a survival table, you have no choices for data entry. You don't enter error values. Instead, Prism computes the SE or 95% CI of survival when it creates the survival curves from raw survival data. Learn more about entering survival data.
If you want to enter survival fractions with SE values computed elsewhere, create an XY graph. In this case, Prism will not be able to compare survival curves.
Choosing how to plot error bars
The Welcome dialog not only lets you choose the basic type of graph (via thumbnails on buttons), it also lets you choose how to plot error values. At each time point, choose to plot the standard error, the 95% confidence interval, or no error bar.
Changing how error bars are plotted
To plot the replicates or error bars differently, you don't have to remake a graph. Instead, click the Change graph type button.
The changes you make on the Change Type of Graph dialog apply to all data sets on the graph.
An alternative approach is to double-click anywhere on the graph to bring up the Format Graph dialog. Then click the "All' button so changes you make apply to all data sets. If you don't do this, you are able to plot some data sets one way and other data sets another way.
If you plot the 95% confidence interval as confidence bands, you can fill or color the area between the bands.