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This guide is for an old version of Prism. Browse the latest version or update Prism

Prism lets you show both major and minor ticks on an axis. By default, Prism automatically sets the minimum and maximum range for an axis as well as the major tick interval.


To change the major or tick interval:

Double click on an axis to open the Format Axes dialog. Uncheck the Auto box in the Range section and set the major tick interval in the Regularly Spaced Ticks section.

To show minor ticks:

Double-click on an axis to open the Format Axes dialog. Select an interval for minor ticks in the Regularly Spaced Ticks section. Choose the interval for minor ticks between major ticks and whether you want regular or log spacing. Select the number of intervals you want between major ticks, not the number of ticks. (For example, choosing four intervals creates three minor ticks.)

To hide ticks:

Double-click on an axis to open the Format Axes dialog. In the All Ticks section, choose None for Direction in the All Ticks section.

To change the direction and length of ticks:

Double-click on an axis to open the Format Axes dialog. Set the direction and length of ticks in the All Ticks section.

To place additional custom ticks or grid lines on a graph:

See: Additional ticks and grid lines.





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