How do I enter values in scientific notation in the form of 1x10-10, 1x10-9?


Enter "1e-10" for 1x10-10 and "1.3e9" for 1.3x109. This syntax is widely used by almost all computer programs, including Excel.

Prism 6 cannot store values greater than 3.4e38, or less than  -3.4e38. If you try to enter values outside this range, Prism will not store the value properly, so graphs and analyses will be incorrect.

Prism 6 also cannot store fractions that are less than 3.4e-38

Why that range? Because Prism 6 stores values in single precision, and values outside that range simply don't fit.

If your data have values outside this range, please transform the data to different units before entering or importing into Prism.

If you try to paste values outside the allowed range into Prism, they might show as "NaN", an abbreviation for Not A Number.

Prism 7 stores numbers in double precision so can handle much larger and smaller numbers.



Keywords: exponent power engineering notation

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