What functions can I use when constructing user-defined equations or transforms?

You may use any of these functions when constructing user-defined models. If you use a bessel, beta, gamma, or atan2 function, the order of parameters is backwards in Prism 5.00, 5.01 and 5.0b. 


Function Explanation Excel equivalent
abs(k) Absolute value. If k is negative, multiply by -1. abs(k)
arccos(k) Arccosine. Result is in radians. acos(k)
arccosh(k) Hyperbolic arc cosine. acosh(k)
arcsin(k) Arcsine. Result is in radians. asin(k)
arcsinh(k) Hyperbolic arcsin. Result in radians. asinh(k)
arctan(k) Arctangent. Result is in radians. atan(k)
arctanh(k) Hyperbolic tangent. K is in radians. atanh(k)
artctan2(x,y) Artangent of y/x. Result is in radians. atan2(x,y)
besselj(n,x) Integer Order J Bessel, N=integer besselj(x,n)
bessely(n,x) Integer Order Y Bessel, N=integer bessely(x,n)
besseli(n,x) Integer Order I Modified Bessel,
besselk(n,x) Integer Order K Modified Bessel,
beta(j,k) Beta function. exp(gammaln(j)
binomial(k,n,p) Binomial. Probability of k or more “successes” in n trials, when each trial has a probability p of “success”. 1 - binomdist(k,n,p,true)
+ binomdist(k,n,p,false)


P value for chi square equals x2 with v degrees of freedom chidist(x2,v)
ceil(k) Nearest integer not smaller than k.
Ceil (2.5)=3.0.
(no equivalent)
cos(k) Cosine. K is in radians. cos(k)
cosh(k) Hyperbolic cosine. K is in radians. cosh(k)
deg(k) Converts k radians to degrees. degrees(k)
erf(k) Error function. 2*normsdist(k*sqrt(2))-1
erfc(k) Error function, complement. 2-2*normsdist(k*sqrt(2))
exp(k) e to the kth power. exp(k)
floor(k) Next integer below k. Floor(2.5)=2.0. Floor(-2.5)=-3.0. (no equivalent)
fdist(f,v1,v2) P value for F distribution with V1 degrees of freedom in the numerator and V2 in the denominator. fdist(f,v1,v2)
gamma(k) Gamma function. exp(gammaln(k))
gammaln(k) Natural log of gamma function. gammaln(k)
hypgeometricm(a,b,x) Hypergeometric M. (no equivalent)
hypgeometricu(a,b,x) Hypergeometric U. (no equivalent)
hypgeometricf(a,b,c,x) Hypergeometric F. (no equivalent)
ibeta(j,k,m) Incomplete beta. (no equivalent)
if(condition, j, k) If the condition is true, then the result is j. Otherwise the result is k. See next section below. (similar in excel)
igamma(j,k) Incomplete gamma. (no equivalent)
igammac(j,k) Incomplete gamma, complement (no equivalent)
int(k) Truncate fraction. INT(3.5)=3  INT(-2.3) = -2 trunc()
ln(k) Natural logarithm. ln(k)
log(k) Log base 10. log10(k)
max(j,k) Maximum of two values. max(j,k)
min(j,k) Minimum of two values. min(j,k)
j mod k The remainder (modulus) after dividing j by k. mod(j,k)
psi(k) Psi (digamma) function. Derivative of the gamma function. (no equivalent)
rad(k) Converts k degrees to radians. radians(k)
sgn(k) Sign of k.
If k>0, sgn(k)=1.
If k<0, sgn(k)= -1.
If k=0, sgn(k)=0.
sin(k) Sine. K is in radians. sin(k)
sinh(k) Hyperbolic sine. K is in radians. sinh(k)
sqr(k) Square. k*k
sqrt(k) Square root. sqrt(k)
tan(k) Tangent. K is in radians. tan(k)
tanh(k) Hyperbolic tangent. K is n radians tanh(k)
tdist(t,v) P value (one-tailed) corresponding to specified value of t with v degrees of freedom. T distribution. tdist(t,v,1)
zdist(z) P value (one-tailed) corresponding to specified value of z. Gaussian distribution. normsdist(z)

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